Jun 15, 2022Liked by Emma Stubbs

Major brilliance and hilarity from Emma. But we expect no less from the Bard of Parkinson’s.

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and of course THANK YOU AGAIN !!!!!! I appreciate your work x

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Oh dear - the Ds certainly were a little depressing......!

Despite it all, let's continue to look on the bright side (in between bouts of uncontrollable weeping) and gently suggest "D for DIET"!!

Laurie Mischley's and Terry Wahl's books on diet give me a bit of hope that I have some control in all of this...diet could play a key role in delaying progression of symptoms. I bloody well hope so otherwise I've been drinking an awful lot of green smoothies for nothing! And I've given up starch, sugar and dairy. But we have to keep hope alive somehow.

Hope you're ok Emma and had a great break recently. I'm still waiting for my new credit card and haven't forgotten your tip jar! Sending love xxxx

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